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Uncorked: Banker’s Hollow, A Real Treasure! – Grapevine Publishing

Uncorked: Banker’s Hollow, A Real Treasure!

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Uncorked: Banker’s Hollow, A Real Treasure!

By Mike Butler

I just moved! Not in my spot while writing this article but actually MOVED from my old apartment of 14 years to a new dwelling in Wolfville. The process of moving, for me, was actually quite entertaining, fun, and interesting. I had a few weeks to organize, pack up, and make the transition smoothly, unlike those who have the usual three-to-four days to pack up their entire lives and make the move. I am blessed to have had friends to help, flexibility with space and movement, and some time off from work to make it happen effortlessly.

While packing my life up into boxes, crates, and suitcases, I discovered many treasures, trinkets, and belongings that I had forgotten about. These items stem from years of hitting the summer yard sales, the online ordering, the three bookshops in Wolfville, and of course, the pop-in visits to the wonderful little antique shops we have in the Valley. Let me tell you about a new antique shop and it’s owner… in case you’re looking for some new treasures. Here is Mark Presley and his shop, Banker’s Hollow Antiques and Collectibles.

Mark Presley is originally from Ottawa. He grew up on the prairie and attended university in Victoria. He met his lovely wife Linda on the west coast however she was born and raised in Cape Breton. In 1999 they decided to return to Cape Breton. They arrived in the Annapolis Valley in 2001 when Mark transferred to a new job as a social worker, and Linda began her study towards a teaching degree at Acadia University. They immediately fell in love with the Valley, as many do, and here was where they decided to stay!

Mark states, “From 2001 to 2003, I owned and operated my first antique shop in Kentville, it was called Mercury Rising. Those early years were a real education in every sense of the word – learning about the many aspects of the trade, how to run a business, etc. Quite simply, it was trial by fire. I continued to moonlight in the field from time to time over the next decade. In 2010, I began to plan a return to the trade knowing that it was in my heart. I have always been a keen student of history, particularly in social contexts, and my background as a helping professional prepared me in unique and integral ways for this transition. Specifically, I pride myself on ethical practice. I am honest and fair, always. I share information and knowledge openly and enjoy this reciprocity with customers and colleagues alike. I also love to learn about objects and the contexts of its creation. This research aspect is an extremely satisfying component in the daily operation of the shop.”

In late March, 2016, Mark and his wife purchased their current space at 647 Main Street in Kingston. It was the original Bank of Commerce site in town from the 1930’s through to the mid 1960’s, and the new CIBC is located next door. This was part of the impetus for naming the shop ‘Banker’s Hollow Antiques & Collectables’. They buy, sell, trade, and consign a variety of goods including furnishings, art, housewares, advertising, toys, folk art, and much more. Banker’s Hollow strives to keep the inventory fresh, and Mark is always looking to purchase single items to large estates and everything in between.

Mark says, “I am thankful every day to be doing a job that I love. It allows me to be creative and encourages learning. I feel extremely content in knowing I am developing relationships in a respectful and ethical manner. My goal has always been to share in the wealth that antiques and collectables can provide.  I see my role as a trustworthy provider of information and an exciting venue for fresh and interesting goods. I would like to thank all my customers for making my first year back in business a resounding success and I cordially invite everyone to stop by and check out ‘Banker’s Hollow’.”

Take a journey to Kingston, go on a hunt, and find a treasure. This is one ‘Hollow’ you can Bank on!!! Support history and support local at Banker’s Hollow!
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