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New Exhibits for Bob Hainstock – Grapevine Publishing

New Exhibits for Bob Hainstock

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New Exhibits for Bob Hainstock



Nova Scotia artist Bob Hainstock might be forgiven if he looks a bit worn around the edges these days as he contemplates his exhibition and teaching schedule for the next while: five exhibition openings, several artist talks, two teaching workshops related to the exhibitions, and an annual open house at his Annapolis Valley studio/gallery.


It begins Friday, October 6 at Acadia University Art Gallery with the opening reception of his two-month solo exhibition “Emptying Landscapes – An Altered Place.” The extra large 4’x4’ pieces are all mixed media on rust prints and emphasize concerns for rural viability facing dual threats of depopulation, and powerful climatic reactions. The first artist talk is scheduled for Wednesday October 25. The exhibition-related workshop on November 4 will teach techniques of mixed media on rust prints. A general introduction to woodblock, collagraph, and mono printing will take place November 18-19.

Hainstock will again team up with Sally Warren to present an exhibition of extreme opposites at Lunenburg’s Peer Gallery, October 14-24. The opening reception will be held Saturday October 14. The show, “Stand Back, Come Closer,” is the third collaboration by the two Nova Scotia artists who work in opposite sizes and scale.


Hainstock is solo in his Annapolis Royal exhibition of recent work at the Sissiboo Coffee & Art venue. It is now open and continues until the end of November. Then it’s the opening at Tiechert Gallery and the annual group show as part of Nocturne celebration, then back in Annapolis Royal on October 15, for the opening of the Elephant Grass print co-op’s annual exhibition and fund raiser at ArtsPlace Gallery.


Finally, he’ll be back at the North Mountain studio and gallery he shares with his wife Judy, a potter and clay artist, preparing for their annual open house and sale, November 25-26.


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