Acadia Theatre Company presents The Wonderful World of Dissocia, written by Anthony Neilson, directed by Robert Seale, November 12-15 and 17-22, 2009.
Lisa Jones is on a journey. It’s a colourful and exciting trip in search of one lost hour that has tipped the balance of her life. The inhabitants of Lisa’s parallel universe – Dissocia – are a curious blend of the funny, the friendly and the brutal. Questions are raised and perceptions challenged as to how society deals with psychosis. As Neilson himself puts it, “If you like Alice in Wonderland but there’s not enough sex and violence in it, then Dissocia is the show for youâ€.
The play runs evenings November 12-14 and November 17-21 at 8 PM,, with matinee performances on Sunday November 15th and Sunday, November 22nd at 2 PM. All performances will take place in Lower Denton Theatre, Acadia University.
Tickets are $12 regular and $10 for students/seniors and may be purchased at the door or reserved by calling the Reservation Line at 585-1766. Please note that reserved tickets not picked up 10 minutes before the show will be sold at the door.