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The Grapevine on Government Special Provincial Election Questionnaire: BRYDEN DeADDER – Grapevine Publishing

The Grapevine on Government Special Provincial Election Questionnaire: BRYDEN DeADDER

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The Grapevine on Government Special Provincial Election Questionnaire: BRYDEN DeADDER

By Emily Leeson & Emily Kathan 

We asked a series of questions to all the candidates from Hants West, Kings North, Kings South, Kings West, and Annapolis. We’ve printed a selection of these questions and answers in The Grapevine. Leading up to the election on May 30, we’ll be sharing online the entire questionnaire as completed by each candidate who took the time to do so.


The answers below were provided by: Bryden DeAdder, Atlantica Party Candidate for Kings North


GV (The Grapevine): What strategies are being used by your campaign to engage potential voters, particularly in demographics with typically low voter turnout? Do you have specific strategies for engaging with youth?

I use our common sense policy to propel my engagement with voters.  There’s an incredibly low turnout due to the fact that for decades there hasn’t been a platform that represents Nova Scotians.  I myself, being 19, can naturally engage with my peers.  Politics isn’t an old mans club and I intend on breaking the mold.


GV: What do you think might present barriers to higher voter turnout? What is your campaign doing to overcome those barriers?

As I have said previously, many Nova Scotians simply feel as though there isn’t a party that fits their interests.  Many people don’t vote because they don’t want to vote for something they don’t believe in.  We supply voters with a policy that has the frustrated, ignored and used Nova Scotian in mind,  teachers, doctors, business owners, and citizens that have been abandonned by the government.


GV: What’s the most interesting question a constituent has asked you as you’ve been campaigning door to door?

I’ve been asked many times why such a young man, with me being 19 years of age, decided to run.  I tell them with all the passion in my heart that I love this province.  Two weeks ago I wanted to take $2500 and leave to Europe, but my patritoism got the better of me, my ambition took the wheel and now I’m looking to make a change.  The kind of change that unlocks Nova Scotias potential.


GV: How does your daily life differ now that the election has been called?

I had a lot of spare time to work on some of my hobbies, like music and writing.  While I still take a few minutes to keep the rust off, the election has taken up all my time.  I love every minute of it though.  It has been a positive change and you learn a lot no matter your age.  Those creative aspects of my life are always kicking around.


GV: Describe the way you see the relationship between MLAs and the municipal units within their electoral districts. How would you work with towns and counties to further mutual interests?

If the relationship between an MLA and a municipality isn’t healthy and or respected then change won’t happen.Towns and municipalities know more about what they need than the provincial government.  With MLA’s ignoring the cry of some towns there’s been a disconnection that can be easily healed.  I intend on listening and putting the interests of my municipalities fore ward to better our community.


GV: The Valley has a vibrant and growing creative economy. What policies and strategies do you propose to support and expand the arts community at the provincial level?

I was the lead trumpet player for my concert bands for 8 years.  I participated in jazz bands for 6 and played in the honour youth band at Acadia for 3.  I also was part of the improv team at NKEC for 3 years, we were always a crowd favorite. I’ve seen first hand the neglect of the arts programs in the province and I want to change by supporting them better financially.


GV: What are you doing to support and attract young families living and working in rural Nova Scotia?

The taxes in Nova Scotia are outrageously high.  Our policy puts forth a plan to cut business taxes entirely, down to 0%.  That will give an incentive to Canadians to move business and create business here, while growing our population.  Killing two birds with one stone, common sense politics.

GV: Will you have time to attend Apple Blossom Festival events this year? What’s your favourite event?

I certainly will have time to be at apple blossom!  My favorite part about it isn’t the parades or the fireworks, those are great mind you.  I love the unity and sense of community that it brings to Nova Scotians.  While we may all have different opinions, we all understand what it means to go for some Timmies.

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