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Community Round Tables: Annapolis Valley HomeShare Program – Grapevine Publishing

Community Round Tables: Annapolis Valley HomeShare Program

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Community Round Tables:
Annapolis Valley HomeShare Program


The Women’s Place Resource Centre is holding a series of community round table events to discuss the Annapolis Valley HomeShare Program, an innovative housing initiative that they are hoping will take off in the region.


HomeShare programs match people who have an extra room in their home (Home Providers) with people who need an affordable place to live (Home Sharers). Home Sharers offer help in the home in exchange for low or no-cost accommodation. HomeShare programs normally interview both Home Sharers and Home Providers to ensure good matches, support both parties in making their agreement, and offer follow-up.


“There is an urgent need for affordable housing in the Valley” says Tara Webb, a housing advocate for Women’s Place Resource Centre in Annapolis Royal, “at the same time, many seniors have extra space in their home. Having a Home Sharer join them could increase their sense of social connection, make their lives a lot easier, and in some cases allow them to remain in their own homes.”


The HomeShare program can be a source of support, even for those already renting rooms online. A HomeShare Program might make it safer, and more likely that you find a match that works out for you in the long run.


“HomeShare programs generally screen and interview participants to create successful matches, support both parties in creating a mutually beneficial agreement, and then provide some follow-up” says Webb. “There are successful HomeShare programs all over the world, including the UK, the US, and even here in Canada.”


To learn more about the program, those interested can attend one of several local Community Round Tables scheduled:


ANNAPOLIS ROYAL: Tuesday October 10, 10:00am-11:00am at the Royal  Canadian Legion Branch 21, 66 Victoria St.


BERWICK: Wednesday October 11, 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Wilson Room, Western Kings Memorial Health Centre,121 Orchard St.


WOLFVILLE: Tuesday October 17, 10:00am-11:00am at the Wolfville & District Lions Club, 36 Elm Ave.


BRIDGETOWN: Wednesday October 18, 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Bridgetown Fire Hall, 31 Bay Rd.


MIDDLETON: Monday October 30, 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Middleton Fire Hall, 49 Church St.


KENTVILLE: Wednesday, November 1, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM in the Orchard Room, Municipality of the County of Kings – 87 Cornwallis St


Tara Webb is also available for more information at (902) 532-7101 or tara@womensplaceresourcecenter.com.


The Annapolis Valley HomeShare Program is being funded by a Nova Scotia Department of Seniors Age-Friendly Community Grant.


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