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The Art Spot: Glooscap Elementary School Art Exhibit at the Wolfville Memorial Library – Grapevine Publishing

The Art Spot: Glooscap Elementary School Art Exhibit at the Wolfville Memorial Library

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The Art Spot: Glooscap Elementary School Art Exhibit at the Wolfville Memorial Library

WHO: In a few sentences, please tell us about yourself and your student artists:
David Fitch: We are a class of 22 grade 3 students, ages 8 and 9, at Glooscap Elementary School in Canning. The students and I look forward to drawing and art activities. Doretta Groenendyk is in to teach and work on art with the kids as well.

WHAT: What are the artistic media used in the exhibition? How did you choose these styles?
DF: We try to choose a variety of materials to work with throughout the year. This particular sample of work includes:

  • 3d masks made from ticket board and construction paper.
  • Ship at sea paintings.
  • Owl drawings using pencil and pastel.
  • Imagination drawings, using sharpie markers and coloured pencils, based on the short animated video “The Lost Thing”.

WHERE: Where do you and your students work? Tell us about a typical art lesson in the classroom.
DF: We are lucky enough to have an art room at our school, and the kids also work right at their desks. We often do warm up drawings, look at images or other art work relating to the topic, or I might do a demonstration before starting the main activity. We stop throughout the activity to talk about possible discoveries the students have made as they work.

WHY: Why art? Why art education? What do students say about why they make art ?
DF: As a teacher I love how you can start with an idea and materials and then watch as the students bring their own personalities, talents, skills, and enthusiasm to their work. They end up creating original work that surprises and delights.

For some students, art is their favourite way to express ideas and emotions. They get totally lost and absorbed in their work. Also it is a time when students who may struggle in reading, writing, or math can find success.

Students responses as to why they do art:

“I like what you can make. I like making designs.”
“It’s fun.”

“I really like making new colours when we are painting.”

“You can go free and draw all over the place.”

“You get to use your imagination”

“You can think of something and then just make it.”

Art is currently on display at the Wolfville Memorial Library at 21 Elm Avenue. Check valleylibrary.ca for open hours

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