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Mike Uncorked: Sherlock Holmes Farce Comes to CentreStage – Grapevine Publishing

Mike Uncorked: Sherlock Holmes Farce Comes to CentreStage

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Mike Uncorked: Sherlock Holmes Farce Comes to CentreStage
By Mike Butler

I know it might be too early to talk about Christmas but, honestly folks, it’s right around the corner and I am very excited! Christmas is my favourite time of year and its usually my busiest time of the year too, with so many family and friend events happening, as well as some dabbling in the local theatre community. 2018 has been a hectic but rewarding year for me in theatre and I’m going out with a bang with three shows during the months of November and December. The first is a wonderful holiday farce by Ken Ludwig called The Game’s Afoot; Or Holmes for the Holidays, which is a must-see for lovers of Sherlock Holmes and wonderful mysteries with a touch of humour!

It is December 1936, and Broadway star William Gillette, admired the world over for his leading role in the play Sherlock Holmes, has invited his fellow cast members to his Connecticut mansion for a weekend of revelry. When one of the guests turns up dead, the festivities in this isolated house of hidden rooms and state-of-the art gadgets quickly turn dangerous. Gillette assumes the persona of his beloved Holmes to track down the killer before the next victim appears. This play will keep you laughing and trying to figure out whodunit until the final bow.

The cast, in order of appearance, includes local actors who’ve all been a part of CentreStage shows before, and couldn’t wait to sink their teeth (and knives) into this fun material: John Smith, Mike Butler (ME!), Hannah Fisk, Linda Levy Fisk, Ethan Van Meekeren, Wendy Stewart, Devon Edmonds, and Caroline Leverett, plus an array of fun set pieces and cool stage effects!

The Game’s Afoot is directed by Junie Hutchinson, whom I’ve worked with about a dozen times before, and her approach to staging comedy is a wonder. (I was so fortunate to nab one of the lead roles in Ken Ludwig’s Leading Ladies a few years back, also directed by Junie and it’s an experience I will always cherish, and audiences will never forget!).

Each month CentreStage features a new artist on their lobby walls and this show is proud to have Karen Kerr being featured, so make sure you check her work out on the way in!

Enjoy the show and let’s see if you can solve the mystery… if you’re not too busy laughing!

The Game’s Afoot has performances scheduled for November 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, December 1 ,7 8. Matinee performances will take place on November 18 and December 2. Front of House opens at 6:45pm for the evening performances and 1:15pm for the matinees. Tickets: adults $15; seniors/students $12; children, age 12 and under, $5. CentreStage takes cash or cheques only. Reservations are recommended and are held until 15 minutes before show time. Call 902-678-8040 for reservations and keep up to date with all the theatre news at centrestagetheatre.ca.

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