Earth Day Family Fun
By Laura Churchill Duke
There are several ways that kids can get involved with Earth Day.
Plan a Garbage Pick Up
You can do this informally on your own by grabbing a garbage bag and some rubber gloves, or in a more organized fashion. If you have a group who is doing a wider clean up, then contact the Great Nova Scotia Pick Me Up and they will send you posters, bags and other swag to help you organize your clean up event.
Join Earth Rangers
This is a great project through the Canadian government where children and youth are encouraged to participate in environmental projects and earn points on the website. It is free to join and participate in the activities. Some of the activities include making crafts with recycled materials, making bird feeders and bee houses, or going on a biowalk.
Make a Bug Hotel
These are fun natural habitats you can create in your backyard that attract the bugs and can help your gardens. Make them from any wood or natural materials you have and see who moves in! These hotels are popular in the UK and full instructions on how to build one can be found on Valley Family Fun: