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Ways to Beat Mealtime Battles – Grapevine Publishing

Ways to Beat Mealtime Battles

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Read Time:1 Minute, 42 Second
Ways to Beat Mealtime Battles

Laura Churchill Duke, Valley Family Fun

Are there ever mealtime battles at your house? Do the kids ever ask you how much more they have to eat before they can leave the table? I have lots of people who have told me how stressful meals can be. It’s no different at our house either! But we have found a few tricks, when used sparingly, that can really work.
1. Kids Help with Meal Planning: We do up a weekly meal plan and I always ask the kids to pick one meal each that they would like to have that week.
2. Crazy-themed Meals SDRAWKCAB Meal: Want a new fun way to spice up your meal time? Try a Backwards Meal! Start with dessert and end off with the main course. Take it up a level and invite your family to wear their clothes backwards too! Eating supper was never so much fun!
3. Utensils Meal: Remember those days of summer camp where you did silly things at meal time? The next time you are having spaghetti (or something equally as messy) for supper, fill a pillowcase and fill it with kitchen utensils – egg beaters, mashers, salad spoons, ladles, etc. Have everyone draw out a utensil and that is what they will be using to eat their meal with!
4. The Dice Gamble: To determine how many more bites your child has to eat, have them roll the dice. Feeling nice? Use one. Want more of a risk? Use two!
5. Treat Under a Bowl: This is my personal favourite! Get a special treat for your child and put it on a plate with a bowl upside down hiding it. I’ve used anything from a toy to a cookie, Timbit, etc. Then, place a plate on top of the bowl. In order for the child to have the treat under the bowl, they must first eat what’s on the plate on the top. No peeking!
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