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Who’s Who: Heather Hewins of B-Fit Cardio & Fitness – Grapevine Publishing

Who’s Who: Heather Hewins of B-Fit Cardio & Fitness

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Who’s Who: Heather Hewins of B-Fit Cardio & Fitness
By Mike Butler

Heather Hewins literally takes my breath away. She makes me sweat, and she makes my heart palpitate like no one I’ve met before. Now, isn’t that a great introduction? Well, as romantic as it sounds, I’m actually describing the B-Fit Cardio workout Heather put me through a few weeks ago. I was introduced to Heather and her awesome program through a friend and I’m excited to tell you about her and what she offers to her clients.

Heather is originally from Lower Sackville and moved to the Valley in 1992. “I went to Dalhousie University and have my BScN. I worked at the old VG hospital in cardiology then at the Berwick hospital, Valley Regional, and then at Halifax Infirmary. I then came back to Valley Regional and worked there until 3 years ago,” she explains, “health and wellness have always been important to me.”

Heather has always been interested in fitness and has been teaching kickboxing for over a decade. She decided to take it a step further and in 2013 took her Canfit certification to become a certified fitness instructor. She was part owner of an MMA studio, where she boxed, did women’s self-defense, and worked towards her brown belt in karate. She went out on her own last July and formed B-Fit Cardio & Fitness.

Heather’s classes are an exhilarating experience. All the exercises are easily adaptable to different fitness levels and body types and classes are taught in a welcoming and engaging environment. “What makes me unique is that I teach a fusion of different programs, from circuit training, core, boot camp and of course kickboxing and boxing,” says Heather. “I implement everything I know to teach a well-rounded class. I take new courses and certifications every year to keep up in the latest fitness trends and incorporate those into what I do. I also try to arrange special events, like kickboxing at Lightfoot & Wolfville winery, date night events where you could bring your partner to class and then off to the pub for a drink, and organized hikes with lunch to follow. It’s not just about exercising but creating social connections and friendship! I also recently took part in a fitness program with female students at NKEC by teaching a six-week intro to self-defense course. The results were fantastic!”

Heather loves what she does because she’s generally surrounding by like-minded people who want to get stronger and healthier. The atmosphere in Heather’s classes is energetic, supportive, and social, and she loves introducing new people to cardio-kickboxing. Trust me, everyone, it’s fun and well worth trying out!

Wanna try out a B-Fit Cardio workout with Heather? Do you have questions about what she offers and if it’s a right fit for you? Hit up the B-Fit Cardio & Fitness Facebook Page.You can also contact Heather at 902-670-5632. Stay fit, happy and healthy everyone!

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