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Free Vocal Lessons with Valley Voices – Grapevine Publishing

Free Vocal Lessons with Valley Voices

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Free Vocal Lessons with Valley Voices
By Linda Brehaut

This fall, Valley Voices, the Annapolis Valley’s premier A Cappella female singing group, will be holding a program for women who love to sing called Find Your Voice. Each week during Find Your Voice participants will experience the learning of a song and will be provided with weekly music lessons in vocal production and performance. It is a six-week event, one hour per week, beginning on October 9 at 6:45pm. All rehearsals of the group, including this event, are held in the Christian Education Center at Kentville Baptist Church on 503 Main St, Kentville.

“Being part of a choral group melds us into the cultural and artistic fabric of the community!” said Paul Grimm, Musical Director of Valley Voices. “What begins as a love of music grows into an incredible personal bond amongst women who love to sing and perform. We work with singers and bring their skills and talents together to create an incredible musical product which radiates the love of music and friendship in the group.”

The chorus performs a broad variety of music, all a cappella, including show tunes, traditional favorites, ballads, up-tempo tunes, Christmas music, and some sacred songs. Each year, the Valley Voices competes in Harmony, Incorporated’s annual competition of women’s choruses at Mount Allison University. In June 2018, Valley Voices placed third out of the Atlantic provinces choruses, and achieved a qualifying score for the international competition. The chorus also recently won “Gold Medal” Honours at the Annapolis Valley Music Festival for Community Choral Groups in 2018.

We have two very special events as bonuses to the weekly training session. On November 9 and 10, we will be holding a training workshop featuring Debra Lynn, an internationally recognized vocal coach and therapist. This is a free of charge event for all chorus members and our Find Your Voice attendees!

Our members and Find Your Voice attendees who have completed the six-week training will also be invited to join Valley Voices at a Note-worthy Dessert Concert on November 17, 2018.

Participation in the first evening of the Find Your Voice program on October 9 is free. To continue, there is a nominal registration fee of $5.00 per week for each of the remaining five lessons. Women of all ages who love to sing and can carry a tune are welcome to take part.

To register please contact Linda at (902) 678-0807 or email tuaherb.etal@ns.sympatico.ca. You may also register online at valleyvoices.org.

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